Welcome to the Alluvius Resource Centre! Here, you’ll find all the technical information and resources you need about all of the products we have to offer. We have a collection of technical data sheets that provide detailed insights into the properties, characteristics, and recommended uses of our products.

Our goal is to help you make informed decisions by giving you the right information. The technical data sheets cover everything from composition and performance to application methods and safety precautions for our products. 

We understand that every project is unique, so we offer a wide range of epoxy resin products and systems to meet your specific needs. Our technical data sheets are regularly updated to ensure accuracy and relevance.

Whether you’re a pro or just starting out with epoxy resin, our Resource Centre is here to help.

Visit our Architect Resource Center to easily access tools and resources designed specifically for architects and specifiers.

Find drawings, Products Data Sheets, 3D Cutaway documents and more!